International Day of the Girl

The 11th of October is International Day of the Girl. Today, we raise our voices in support of girls worldwide, and pledge to double our efforts to invest in their future. Not only will today go down in history as being the first ever Day of the Girl, it is also made especially poignant by the case of Malala Yousafzai, who lies unconscious in hospital, having been shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking out about the importance of girls’ education.

Reading about the tragedy two days ago, I kept thinking of a picture I had seen a while ago, and I decided to look for it again:


And that’s what the Taliban’s actions have revealed in the end – fear. Because Malala is not just any 14-year-old girl. By publicly condemning the actions of the Taliban and advocating for the education of girls, she represents an idea, a spark towards real social change. And by making an attempt on her life, the Taliban have revealed that they, too, know just how powerful she is.

On this day, then, let her be an inspiration to us all, and while she is silent, let us be her voice, and multiply her message a million times over. Let us express outrage at how 140 million girls and women have undergone female genital mutilation. How every year, about 10 million girls are married before the age of 18. How women in South Africa are more likely to be raped than to learn to read. How at least one out of every three women worldwide has been abused in her lifetime by someone known to her.

But outrage is not enough. We need to join the fight alongside women and girls everywhere, and there is no better weapon against all this than the education of girls. Please watch this incredibly moving video from It Only Takes a Girl:


To take action for girls, please visit the links below:

Because I am a Girl – Plan UK

The Girl Effect

Campaign for Girls

UNICEF – Girls’ Education Campaigns

Girl Up

The Working Group on Girls

The Elders

Most importantly, let’s not let the cause be confined to one day in a year. Every day and every girl matters in the struggle for full gender equality.

7 thoughts on “International Day of the Girl

  1. Pingback: International Day of the Girl | BraveSmartBold

  2. Reblogged this on Where's my fairytale? and commented:
    As a 15 year old girl, I pity the situation that was mentioned, not only that but all the abuses that was given to all the women worldwide. We are considered as an option, a lower rank, and it disgusts me to know that we are considered as the weaker gender. When in fact, we girls/women do most of the hardest, the most cruel some works. Though, I am from a different country, I still believe that we have the freedom of education, no matter which country you are in. We are capable of doing so many things that is why, as what the photo said: “Some people are afraid of what might happen if every girl could learn to read and write.” Malala did the right thing, speaking about the importance of girls’ education indeed made a spark towards the real social change. And by her attempt, you can see how a woman can be so powerful through words and actions as well. It is an open eye to everyone to help women who had this kind of abuses. Though, I can’t really comment on the culture’s and practices of your country, such as the female genital mutilation. But about 140 million women had gave their reaction to this kind of situation, it is inhumane! But outrage is not enough. Education is the best weapon we women can have against all these abuses. International Day of the Girl is indeed a god idea, but shouldn’t Day of the Girl be EVERYDAY?


  3. Reblogged this on Questions for Women and commented:
    On the first International Day of the Girl (yesterday 11th Oct) – we’re reading about a 14 yr old girl who has been shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking up for education for girls. She was labelled an infidel.
    Educating girls is the answer. Studies have shown that the more war-mongering nations, are the ones that restrict girls attending school.
    This post from Crates and Ribbons is great.
    Deep Breath.


  4. Pingback: Malala Yousafzai: A Girl with a Book « Unladylike Musings

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